The paint Division of ALPHA Kk Group, SPPP is a paint specialist dedicated to paint on plastic material where an high and demanding level of quality is required. SPPP adresses niches market as well as large OEM serial production
SPPP is a service provider of decorative solutions on plastic or composites parts, primarly for automotive and more widely for the transportation segment.
The paint Division of ALPHA Kk Group, SPPP is a paint specialist dedicated to paint on plastic material where an high and demanding level of quality is required. SPPP adresses niche market as well as large OEM serial production.
SPPP is a service provider of decorative solutions on plastic or composites parts, primarly for automotive and more widely for the transportation segment.
Our history within SORA composites group for 25 years has made SPPP a unique actor on the world of paint application. Our teams have developped a large array of competences. We are higly knoweledgeable of our customers’ process enabling a good technical interface.
We are positionning ourselves in high technical segments. Our experience with specifics, is only mastered by a limited numbers of actors. Historicaly, SPPP activity is the decoration by paint appliction on plastic parts.
Since 2018, SPPP proposes global solutions for his client as a complementary service of his core painting competences : sub-assemble of parts onto painted part, deposit of protective film, development of specific packaging and management of the plastic injection.
These complementary activities resulting from our strategy of increasing added value for our customer allow our client to only manage one supplier and have one contact interface. Our strategy is to position SPPP as a supplier of global decorative solutions.
Our long lasting relation with the largest car markers and part suppliers, offers a solid and long term view of our business.
SPPP works primarly (95% of turnover) to the automotive as a Tier2 and is currently developping is non-automotive segment
The group SPPP runs two manufacturing sites located in France, Saint Berthevin and Banovce, Slovakia.

Our mission is to supply in Europe to the Automotive Tier1. More generally, provide decorative solutions that meet the highest quality standards for the global transportation market.

Statement of purpose
Our positionning is based on our know how, our rooted customer engagement and operational excellence. Our values and our company culture, ALPHA WAY, are at the service of our clients, employees and the territories where we operate.

Recognized and well-known for its competences and high requirement level, SPPP inside ALPHA’s group has the ambition to developp its European activities and to become a supplier of global decoratives solutions respecting environmental constraints.

Company Goal
Based on our global offer and well positionned industrial footprint in Europe, we aim to provide to all our customers, Automotive Tier1 and industrials actors in general, a strong added value, high service and sustainable solution of decoration for the projects our customer will entrust us.

Values and culture
Like all the other site of ALPHA group, our values and company culture integrate the group philosophy : to remain agile and pragmatic in a fast changing environment.
All SPPP teams are animated by the same customer passion, high service and quality requirement while respecting environmental regulation and norms.

Company responsabiltiy
SPPP is engaged to act in good citizenship and a responsible employer, to develop the local community where its sites are implemented and maintain an high conformity level within the group and with his partners.
1987Inside SORA Composites, creation of SPPP at Saint Berthevin dedicated to painted parts.
1988First paint line insalled up and running.
2003Decorative solutions on plastic parts are extended to other application than Automotive.
2008Creation of the subsidary in Banovce in Slovakia. The site is chosen for its strategical localization and the potential of the region.
2012SPPP is taken over by the company ALT (Jean Romain PY, son of the founder of SORA composites, ISATIS Capital, BPI Investissement).
2018In his European growth strategy, the group ALPHA Kk, automotive Tier 1 specialized in the access mecanisum aquired SPPP.
2021SPPP France acquires its logistic building.